Seattle Children’s


Em’s mom, dad, and sister Sarah, had the honor of visiting the Cure Lab at the Seattle Children’s Research Institute. What a pleasure to meet Dr. Matt Dunn, Run DIPG founder, researcher and dad to Josie who battled DIPG for almost two years. He gave a lecture in the Cure auditorium on what his team is working on in Australia, Dr. Vitanza spoke briefly of Em and presented us with amazing Seattle Children’s socks! We toured the t-cell production facility with the production team Adam Beebe and Chris Brown, incredible men who are passionate about their work! And this was SO personal for us. Back when Em got her first infusions we would have to wait hours for her cells to thaw and to find out if enough cells were viable to use. Sometimes they weren’t and we’d have to come back the next day and do it all over again. That’s not even a thing now and the infusion time has dwindled to about 15 minutes. Incredible progress!!!

At the end of the morning we took a minute to present Dr. Vitanza with a check, thanks to all who have participated in our events to help get us here! It’s just a drop in the bucket but it felt so meaningful to be a part of the work that’s being done here. We saw firsthand, every single penny at work today!

The possibilities to continue to raise money for research and support families in treatment are just endless. We will not stop honoring Em in this selfless life she lived and we thank you all for sticking with us.
